Friday 8 August 2008

U2 warn fans not to buy tickets to imaginary gigs

It's a lesson for everyone - don't purchase imaginary things. Don't try on to buy dreams on eBay, live unicorns by mail order, or that Radiohead/Pet Shop Boys collaborationism from some shyster in Soho. These things do not survive. Nor, we are advised, do tickets to U2 concerts.

U2 have issued a statement warning fans around shady websites purporting to sell tickets for unpredicted � which is to say, complex quantity � U2 concerts. "Just a banker's bill to correct reports that tickets ar becoming available for planned U2 shows," reads the message. "The reports are mistaken."

"There are no turn dates for the band at the moment - so please don't buy tickets for U2 shows you meet advertised."

Let's say you ar browsing the web and come crossways tickets for a U2 concert in Atlantis, Shangri-La or on the Moon ... do non be taken in. These are not real. Even more badly, however, nor are any current U2 tickets for gigs in Birmingham, Paris or London.

"You can be sure whatsoever future bouncy announcements volition be made on as presently as they are confirmed," the band explain.

We hope they will as well keep us up to date with the state of the live unicorn market.

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